
Don’t Miss the Fireworks

A spectacular display of fireworks is happening every day, all around you.

Stand in front of a flower garden, and you will easily notice it: a brilliant display of fireworks in (very) slow motion. These “flowerworks” do not fizzle out instantaneously. They do not burn you or blow out your ear drums if you get too close. They do not leave the sky filled with smoke. They are likely to leave a lovely fragrance for your sense of smell and a smile on your face. If you don’t have your own garden, come see our flower garden! It’s as beautiful as ever this year, thanks to Nancy’s creativity with God’s gifts!


Butterflies also attest to nature’s display of beauty. They will soon be visiting our garden and hopefully yours.






From the macro to the micro, brilliant manifestations are sprouting everywhere, all the time. The universe itself is a lustrous, sparkling, spectacular big bang, originating eons ago and continuing to blossom and proliferate for many eons more!





Your own brain cells are dazzling, not only in function but in appearance under a microscope. (Photo courtesy of University of Cambridge)

Nature’s beauty flourishes everywhere: from peacocks and other birds….












… to creatures under the sea…








… to snowflakes (not now please!).

And you don’t have to look outside for all the beauty in the world, for you are a dazzling, sparkling and spectacular marvel as well! Look in the mirror and see. Smile in there and let the light reflect back on you and everyone!







But what you will see is nothing compared to the One who is seeing — that One is your Self, Consciousness itself. The Light of Consciousness. In all of existence there exists only one Universal Consciousness from which all things originate. You are That. You can name it That, Self, God, Shiva, or whatever you like. It’s one and the same. It’s You!

And it’s me. And it’s every being and every thing in this Universe.

“You are the one who is seeing. Who is the one who is looking through your eyes?” ~ Swami Nirmalananda

Celebrate all things beautiful. See the Divine in you, being you, and being all around you.