
Spotlight on a Very Special Human Being – One Who Shines a Whole Lot Back

We want to honor Sumati (Patricia) Morrison, who will be celebrating her 84th birthday on the 22nd of December.

We honor Sumati because she has been such a wonderful, dedicated student at The Centered Place for a long time. She first joined us last century. Well, it was the latter part of the century, 1997 — “only” 24 years ago!

The name “Sumati” was given to her by her guru, Swami Nirmalananda. Swami told her it means “pure minded.” A Sanskrit dictionary also defines it as “one with a good mind or good disposition; benevolence, kindness.” All these descriptions fit her aptly. She has a wonderful mind and disposition. She is indeed brilliant — not only intelligent but also luminous. Every year since she started avidly practicing yoga and following her guru, she shines more brightly. She is a true disciple of Swami Nirmalananda, not only in that she is very devoted but also disciplined. She does the work.

How much “work”? Every morning, she starts her practices around 4:40. First, she takes time to honor her teachers, thanking them for their blessings and guidance. She chants a few verses from sacred yoga texts, and then does a couple rounds of mantra repetition (a round of mantra repetition consists of 108 repetitions). She does some regular yoga practice then at least a couple hours of meditation. In the evening, she does one or two more rounds of mantra and more chanting. She also tries to do 20 minutes of ujjayi breathing practice every day and some spiritual-related reading. Sumati also does Seva regularly for the Svaroopa Vidya Ashram and Guru. Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning selfless service. It’s a way to give back for what is given, to serve that which is serving you. (For more information: Seva)

I want to add, and Sumati would be the first one to say this, that all this really isn’t work for her in the sense of being a burden or chore that she has to do. She does everything with dedication and commitment, with all her heart. It’s obviously rewarding – physically, mentally, emotionally and, of course, spiritually. Evidence of the results is the light you see when you meet her. Yes, she shines! Perhaps it’s no coincidence that her birthday comes one day after the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice has been celebrated around the world since prehistory as the “rebirth” of the Sun — the time of the longest night, after which the nights gradually become shorter and the days become longer.


Sumati attends our classes religiously once a week, as she has done ever since 1997. She also regularly participates in trainings and retreats offered by the Svaroopa Vidya Ashram. And even though she never wished to teach, she took teacher trainings to deepen her own practice and understanding.

On interviewing Sumati, I asked her several other questions, an her answers follow:

What brought you to our studio?

“A student of yours brought me to class with her one time and I was hooked! As a little aside, many years prior to that, I had taken some yoga classes in New York, but we moved and although I continued a home practice for probably another year or so, eventually it fell away. From time to time over many years, seemingly out of nowhere, my husband, Larry, would ask me if I ever thought about resuming yoga. I never knew what to make of it. I guess he knew something about me that I had no clue about!” (Note from Phil: how many of you have had a similar experience, with loved ones urging you to get back to yoga?!!  I have heard many students say so.)

Sumati also shared the following story: “I remember so clearly 9/11 and the sorrow and anxiety I felt. The Centered Place invited students to come to the studio to simply be together. I came, and from the minute I walked in and heard a CD playing the “Om Namah Shivaya” mantra chant and saw a big pile of blankets in the center of the room for us, I felt comforted. I realized again just how important the studio was for me. It truly was my yoga home.”

What hooked you about Svaroopa® yoga several months later?

(Note: Phil and Nancy received their Svaroopa® yoga teaching certificates in September 1997 and immediately began teaching Svaroopa® yoga at the studio thereafter).

“That particular style of yoga was so perfectly suited for me. After the very first class, I knew this was something I needed and would be doing for a very long time. In those early days, it was known by some as Bliss Yoga and bliss was what I felt! Svaroopa® yoga was so relaxing and the focus on body awareness was such an important lesson for me. I think I had been living alongside my body instead of in it for most of my life.”



“It would almost be easier to try to find ways it has not changed my life. In fact, in many ways, it is my life. Prior to Svaroopa® yoga, I really didn’t have a spiritual life. Now, that is my life. In day-to-day life, I am so much freer. I am more myself (both small s and capital S). I know I am easier to live with. I have less fear and anxiety. I know now I am so much more than this body. I know I have a purpose in this life. I feel more at one with everything and everyone in the universe. I am almost always content, very often blissful and joyful, and so full of gratitude for this path.”

How has Swami Nirmalananda (Gurudevi) affected you? (That’s probably your next book!)

“Because she is the creator of Svaroopa® yoga and meditation, all of the above changes are due to her. In addition, she is the embodiment of Self. She is Consciousness in a human body. She is a living example of someone who has been transformed into a conduit of Grace, and thus models this for me. I learn so much from the courses she offers as well as her other discourses which help me understand what I am experiencing. She speaks about her difficulties on the spiritual path and this offers reassurance that I, too, can overcome mine. Her love and caring support me.”