
You Are Blossoming

Why is April called April? According to, one theory is that the name is rooted in the Latin Aprilis, which is derived from the Latin aperire meaning “to open”— which could refer to the opening or blossoming of flowers and trees.


Another theory is that it derives from the Greek Apphodite, the Greek goddess of love.


Either way, April describes you. You are blossoming. While the blossoms in nature grow toward the sun, yoga’s practices have you grow toward the light and love found within.


Within is where you find the source of light and love. The source is your divine essence (aka svaroopa or Self). From there, both light and love flourish even when the sun is not shining. Please remember this when the weather seems gloomy. Remember you don’t have to be gloomy, too! And see the Focus Practice of the Month feature further below, featuring a yoga pose that uplifts you and brings up joy at will.


Looking within does not mean turning a blind eye to what’s outside. You find the source within yourself and then you come to see the same source within all those around you. I like the following quote from the Greek philosopher Empedocles (also later attributed to Voltaire):






Let your light and love shine outward to light and warm the hearts of those around you. Let your heart radiate with divine love to light up the world around you.