

Welcome to the month that brings the first day of summer! It also brings Father’s Day and the 80th anniversary of D-Day, June 6th 1944. That’s him in the photo on the right. (Thanks for my sister, Marilyn, for getting it to me.)   Six days after the fiercest fighting of the D-Day invasion, my… Read More Dads


More About Svaroopa® Yoga: What’s All the Fuss About the Tailbone? (Part 1)

If you know Svaroopa® yoga, you know that much emphasis is given to your tailbone. In every class, we teach poses that release your spinal tension, beginning with the tailbone. Why the tailbone? Consider the problem of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Construction on the tower began in 1173 A.D.  A shallow foundation and the… Read More More About Svaroopa® Yoga: What’s All the Fuss About the Tailbone? (Part 1)


More About Svaroopa Yoga: What’s All the Fuss About the Tailbone? (Part 2)

Phil (Krishna) Milgrom In Part 1, the focus was on the structural significance of the tailbone. Why does Svaroopa® yoga begin with releasing the tailbone first and then follow with the rest of the spine, from bottom up? The tailbone is not just an inconsequential (“vestigial”) appendage, as it has often been considered. As noted,… Read More More About Svaroopa Yoga: What’s All the Fuss About the Tailbone? (Part 2)


You Are Blossoming

Why is April called April? According to, one theory is that the name is rooted in the Latin Aprilis, which is derived from the Latin aperire meaning “to open”— which could refer to the opening or blossoming of flowers and trees.   Another theory is that it derives from the Greek Apphodite, the Greek goddess of love.  … Read More You Are Blossoming


Springing Up

I can feel it. I can see it. The earth, once frozen and dormant, is beginning to breathe again. Trees, left barren and ghostlike under the icy grip of winter, are starting to pulse with life again. Their sap is already flowing, and an aura of energy graces their crowns like glimmering garlands.   Seedlings… Read More Springing Up


Stay Free

Happy belated Valentine’s Day! And here’s a happy belated February newsletter to you as well!   The good news is, to paraphrase Mark Twain, we have made it through some of the worst winter storms that never happened. That’s nature’s Valentine to all of us. And, we have passed the midpoint of winter. The sun… Read More Stay Free


Peace and Joy

One night, a 5 year old child looked up at the stars and exclaimed, “God’s home! All God’s lights are on!” Yoga teaches us to see God’s Light in one another. Look into the eyes (the window to the soul) and see the Divine Light shining through. Yes, you are seeing that God is home.… Read More Peace and Joy


Giving Thanks

Hello One and All!   First of all, thank you! Thank you for your continuing support. Thank you for your continuing interest in what we are offering. It gives us great delight to be able to serve you. It’s an honor. And speaking of honor, we honor those who have served our country. We thank… Read More Giving Thanks


Where is God?

A Sunday school teacher asked her class, “Where is God?” No one seemed to have an answer except Danny. “I know where God is!” he said excitedly.   “And where is that?” the teacher asked.   Danny responded: “In the bathroom at my house.”   “Very interesting, Danny. How are you so sure God is… Read More Where is God?


Get a Lift

A story that’s been circulating for a while, with a great lesson for all of us:   “Some years ago, I was stuck on a crosstown bus in New York City during rush hour. Traffic was barely moving. The bus was filled with cold, tired people who were deeply irritated with one another, with the… Read More Get a Lift


What are You Becoming?

Yoga is not about becoming a pretzel. We don’t need more pretzels today. We need people to become more human. That’s what yoga is really about: becoming more human. Becoming More Human What does it mean to become more human? American Heritage Dictionary’s definition of human is: “a member of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished… Read More What are You Becoming?


You Are the One

On the way home from church, a little girl turned to her mother and said, “Mommy, the Preacher’s sermon this morning confused me.” The mother said, “Oh! Why is that?” The girl replied, “Well, he said that God is bigger than we are. Is that true?” “Yes, that’s true,” the mother replied. “He also said… Read More You Are the One


The Best Gift

Mahatma Ghandi said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” This holiday season, and forevermore, be the light you wish to see in the world. Be the peace and joy you wish to see in the world! Spread it around like greeting cards!   Your own Divine Self is light, peace… Read More The Best Gift


Spotlight on a Very Special Human Being – One Who Shines a Whole Lot Back

We want to honor Sumati (Patricia) Morrison, who will be celebrating her 84th birthday on the 22nd of December. We honor Sumati because she has been such a wonderful, dedicated student at The Centered Place for a long time. She first joined us last century. Well, it was the latter part of the century, 1997… Read More Spotlight on a Very Special Human Being – One Who Shines a Whole Lot Back


The Passion

As I write, it is Good Friday. I reflect on the solemnity of this day. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus hung from the cross, his life on earth expiring at the hands of the ignorant. Right before their eyes was a man of God, but they could not see. Nor could they see their very own… Read More The Passion


April Fundraiser: Support a Fledgling Farm Determined to Serve Those in Need – Agric Organics Urban Farm in Wilbraham

When Nancy and I read a story in the Boston Glove about the owners of this farm and their dedicated commitment to serve their community and especially those in need in Springfield where they live, we were both immediately smitten. Theirs is an amazing and inspiring story. I picked up the following from the article,… Read More April Fundraiser: Support a Fledgling Farm Determined to Serve Those in Need – Agric Organics Urban Farm in Wilbraham


A Realization

This quote on the left can help you fathom what it means to experience your own Self. You hear about the Self often in these newsletters. It’s referred to in many ways: your Divine Essence, Beingness, Consciousness, Shiva, God, the Divine Reality being you – you name it, it’s all one and the same. But… Read More A Realization



Gratitude We are now entering the season of giving. This month in particular brings the season for giving thanks. It’s a great reminder. It’s so easy to take things for granted, even to take our loved ones for granted. Thanksgiving is a holiday that gives us a chance to open our eyes and hearts to… Read More Gratitude


Update on Coronavirus and You

Namaste! Stay safe.   Stay informed, not anxious. Listen to the experts, not your mind’s catastrophic imaginings. One of the best and clearest expositions on the coronavirus and COVID-19, along with suggestions for protecting yourself: Gregg Braden YouTube Talk (if the link does not work, search “Gregg Braden on Coronavirus”. It’s a 49-minute YouTube talk,… Read More Update on Coronavirus and You


On happiness

© Phil Milgrom, RYT, CSYT, CSMT  “No matter what you are doing, keep the undercurrent of happiness. Learn to be secretly happy within your heart in spite of all circumstances.” ~ Paramahansa Yoganananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. How do we become happy? I know what I used to think. I used to think… Read More On happiness

Wellness, Yoga

Stress and yoga

© By Philip L. Milgrom, RYT, CSYT, CSMT Stress is one of the leading causes of disease. Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to physical ailments such as insomnia, chronic muscle tension, digestive disorders, ulcers, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Mental and emotional consequences include memory loss, inability to concentrate, anxiety, hostility, and depression.… Read More Stress and yoga